15 Must-See Places on the Camino de Santiago
The Camino de Santiago has long been a magical road, but thanks to Martin Sheen’s star role as a pilgrim walking The Way, the route is surging in popularity. Whether you prefer to drive, cycle, walk, or go by donkey, the Camino is a vast adventure full of natural beauty and medieval architecture spanning two stunning mountain ranges in north-central Spain. This pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and the purported tomb of the apostle Saint James the Greater in northwestern Spain began in the 9th century. Commonly known as a Christian road for more than a thousand years, the Camino was, in fact, built over Celtic and Roman roads that were twice as old. The modern visitor can journey in more comfort than in medieval times but savor the same natural and cultural highlights. Here, we’ve picked the top 15 experiences, some famous and some intimate and surprising, to give a taste of the real Camino in the midst of its recent rediscovery.—Beebe Bahrami
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